Red de envejecimiento de las universidades del Estado publica documento sobre personas mayores y Covid-19


Faced with the rapid increase in elderly population, the Consortium of State Universities of Chile (CUECH) decided to include aging as a relevant topic among the Thematic Research Roundtables. Thus, associative work networks were established in different fields of aging, which resulted in several different publications in mainstream magazines, among which the document “The Elderly and COVID-19: A contribution from the State Universities of Chile” should be highlighted.

The professor and researcher at CIESAL Mariane Lutz, as the coordinator of the Food and Nutrition area in this Network, is one of the authors of the document, which was specially commissioned by the deans of the member universities, which provides an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional perspective on the impact of the pandemic on this population group. The link to the document is:


The network of participants has now been restructured with the commitment to develop a project for an Aging Network Research Centre under the auspices of the Chilean State Universities Boosting Plan. For this, they have established seven lines of work, namely: Risk factors for chronic diseases associated with aging, food and nutrition of the elderly, odontogeriatrics, neurosciences and neurodegenerative diseases in aging, physical and musculoskeletal condition of aging, social determinants of aging and quality of life and social security for the elderly. Each of these lines of work will contribute to interdisciplinary research on the subject.

