
CIESAL associate researcher won an important award for his teaching work


El doctor en bioestadística, Sergio Muñoz Navarro, obtuvo el Premio Educación Continua Universitaria 2020.

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Red de envejecimiento de las universidades del Estado publica documento sobre personas mayores y Covid-19


Investigadora de CIESAL, Mariane Lutz, coordinadora del área de alimentos y nutrición de la Red, es una de las autoras del documento.

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Curso de Revisiones Sistemáticas Cochrane se dictó en la Escuela de Medicina


Con la participación de 62 profesores y estudiantes de posgrado de las carreras de Salud de la UV se dictó el curso organizado por CIESAL.

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UV Ophtalmologist broadcasts safety precautions for watching the total solar eclipse


The video explains the safe ways to observe the phenomenon and the precautions to be taken.

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Chilean press highlights manual developed by UV researchers


The article in La Tercera refers to the development of the first Chilean manual for the management of autism spectrum disorders in children.

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Department of Paediatric Neurology and CIESAL to prepare manual for management of ASD in children


Team of researchers will develop an autism spectrum disorder management manual for MINSAL.

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CIESAL Researcher gives talk on new Alzheimer’s mitigating drug study


His participation took place in a thematic table on aging organized by the Consortium of State Universities of Chile, CUECH.

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Mariane Lutz gives lecture on diet and coronary heart disease


The presentation was organized by the Thrombosis Research Center of the Universidad de Talca.

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The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology is to publish a critical analysis by CIESAL researchers of the GES Guidelines


Una revisión de las Guías de Práctica Clínica que el MINSAL ha desarrollado para las patologías garantizadas en el programa GES, será publicada en el Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

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Mariane Lutz was elected Vice-president of the Chilean Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The alternate director of CIESAL will hold office for the next three years.

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